Hoang Duc Thinh has more than two decades of experience dealing with legal and policy issues in Vietnam as both a legal drafter and a legal consultant. He used to work in Vietnam’s justice department and was a member of the team drafting the capital law, the access to information law, and the law on administrative penalties. He has also worked for several law firms in Hanoi where he supported clients in handling business disputes with Vietnamese administrative agencies. He participated in the legal team assisting Vietnamese shrimp exporters in anti-dumping lawsuits in the United States. He lectures on business law at universities National University.
Thinh is actively engaged in law reform. He is currently a consultant to the program for enhancing regulatory quality, a cooperative initiative between the Central Institute for Economic Management and the USAID-funded Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative. It provides support to ministries and government agencies, the national assembly, citizens, and business to improve legal documents.
He obtained a law degree from the Law University of Vietnam in 1987 and a master decree in international economics law from the University of Toulouse.
Specialty : Government Affairs