Armyta Rahardhani is a Senior Associate at the Jakarta Office of Vriens & Partners. Since joining the firm in 2015, she has carried our work in different fields including those related to healthcare, export-import, manufacturing sector, public-private partnerships and energy. She has experienced engaging with government officials, business associations and civil societies understanding the regulatory environment and political dynamic within relevant sector.
Prior to joining the firm, she worked with a project in Jakarta funded by the European Union that focused on trade and investment between the EU and the region. Through her work, she was able to support European companies in entering the Indonesian market.
Armyta was a researcher and lecturer specializing on central European countries at the European studies department of the post-graduate program of the University of Indonesia.
She holds a Master’s Degree in European studies specializing in international relations and politics from the University of Indonesia and a bachelor’s degree in English literature from the Semarang State University.