Ghifari Athallah Ramadhan is an Associate at Vriens & Partners’ Jakarta office. He has provided government relations support through regulatory assessment, stakeholder map, and strategy development to support clients in achieving their government affairs and public policy objectives. He has been involved with clients from the energy, aviation, technology, and banking sectors.
Before joining Vriens & Partners, Ghifari worked as a Substance Support Staff at Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS). Here he worked on various projects, including the development of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the 2020 Government Work Plan (RKP). He also conducted regular engagements with various government stakeholders in order to improve systems for supervising various government ministries and identify the needs of Indonesian diplomats living abroad.
Ghifari is currently pursuing a Master of Public Policy and Management from Monash University, Indonesia Campus. He graduated cum laude from International Relations Department, University of Indonesia with focus of Strategic Studies in 2018. He published writing on The Role of Territory in in International Relations in University of Indonesia’s Journal from International Relations Department, Global in 2019. At the same year, Ghifari published paper on post-truth politics during a Philosophy Symposium held by Paramadina University and Indonesian Philosophy Community. He also won best paper category in strategic studies at Indonesian Foreign Policy Review in 2017, about the role of geography in Indonesia’s national defense.